Why Invest in Senior Living?

More than just an investment, we believe all seniors deserve comfort, joy, and dignity in their sunset years. Our buildings and programs are functionally designed to enhance the quality of life at every level.


Strong Returns.

  • Integrity Investment Returns - All investment funds offer outstanding returns and are structured to protect your investment.

  • Investments backed by collateralized real estate with value far exceeding capital raise amounts

  • Sponsor & Partner Interest - All active partners have a vested interest in each facility. With our capital side by side with yours, success is of the utmost performance.

Economic Resilience.

Income and Capital Return Leader

  • The senior housing industry has proven itself as not only a defensive investment during an economic downturn, but also an income and capital return leader across the commercial real estate investment spectrum. - CBRE Seniors Housing Market Insight

Unique Investment Resiliency

  • The combined components of real estate, hospitality, and needs-driven services give senior living and care properties a unique resiliency, offering the benefits of real estate investment along with the characteristics of the healthcare field.

  • During the real estate downturn of 2008–2009, senior living and care properties outperformed all other commercial real estate property types.

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Underserved Market.

  • Our senior population is growing much faster than the rest of the US population

  • Over the next 10 years, the population of those 75 and older is forecasted to grow by over 10 million, a 47% expansion.

  • In 2034, for the first time in history, older adults are expected to outnumber children.

  • By 2040 number of people aged 80+ is projected to increase by 115%, to a total number of 14.4 million.

Market Shortage.

Demand is rapidly outgrowing supply. 1.8 Million new senior living units needed by 2040, national supply projected to fall short by 1.2 million units.

“A 5.7% increase in the number of seniors is more than the total number of the entire existing supply of professionally managed senior housings beds/units” -CBRE Senior Housing Supply pg. 10

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Inspired Model.

The Integrity Experience is transforming the senior living industry. Leveraging technological advances, luxury living, and break-throughs in quality care, seniors now have a vibrant destination to continue an energy-filled life of exploration and purpose.

Pioneering the Next Generation of Senior Living.

The Integrity Team has a long track record of success, service, and innovation. The General Partners, while each successful in their own right, have transformed industries and pioneered innovative companies which have emerged as market leaders in real estate, senior living, and beyond.

While the awards, recognition, and financial success of these ventures are something we’re proud of, our shared values and desire to transform how America cares for its seniors has brought us together to accomplish something far greater than our individual accolades.
